Consulting, Sales & Contracting Services, Inc.
aka: CS-2
P.O. Box 553
Grand Island, NY 14072
Telephone: 716-699-5515
Fax: 716-773-5515
Email: cs2@cscs-i.com
Affiliated Companies:

American DND, Inc.
PTP Spent Fuel Services, LLC
Work performed in Continental USA.
General Insurance Information:
The Selzer Company
975 Easton Rd, Suite 100
Warrington, PA 18976
Mr Ralph Pallarino
Email: rmp@selzercompany.com
Phone: 215-491-1660, Extension 125
Fax: 215-491-2709
General Liability: Standard Limits to $5M
Professional Liability: Higher limits available on a per project basis
Environmental Liability:
General Carrier:
Endurance American Insurance Co.
767 Third Ave – Fifth Floor
New York, NY 10017
Workman’s Comp. (All States) Carrier:
American International Group, Inc. (AIG)
70 Pine Street
New York, NY 10270
Credit References, Banking and Additional Corporate Information Available Upon Request